Tuesday, November 29, 2011

- Talent VS Hard Work ☺ ☻

To me talent is more
important. If you have talent then you have to WORK HARD to be successful at it. Whether you are good at...
- Public Speaking
- Writing
- Self Management
- Networking (dirt - person to person)
- Networking (virtual world)
- Critical Thinking
- Decision Making
- Math
- Research
- Relaxation
- Accounting
- Bookkeeping
- Taxes
- Legal
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Graphics
- Music
- Art
- Drawing
- Photography
- Woodworking
- Video Creation
- Website
- Programming
- Jokes / Humor
- Creativity
- Innovation
You get my point the list goes on and on. If your just working hard and don't know what your working hard for it's basically just a waist of time. Life is based on talent what you can do. All throughout school teachers, parents, friends, administrators, essays ask you what you want to be when you grow up. You get prepared all 4 years in highschool to go to college and begin your life. All of that is based on what you can do. If your good at music you can be a music teacher, if your good at designing you might want to do fashion designing or architecturey. You do things in the past that will effect your future positively. For kids who say they "don't" have talent or " think" they don't probably wouldn't be as more successful because they probably will think low of themselves & don't have anything special about them. They might feel why should I work hard if there's nothing to work hard for.
    I've never experienced talent over hard work. But I have experienced working hard because of a talent. I've wanted to do ballet for sooo long, now during the school year I am working hard to prepare myself. So when the summer comes I will be ready. No one said it would be easy but when you try it gets easier knowing your trying. Success comes to the person willing to put in the most time and effort to achieve it is true but everyone is not the same some people are not strong like others. Some don't finish what they start. Whatever the case is as long as what you are doing is a positive aspect and your learning new things while your on your way. Go For It !!!!1

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