Monday, November 21, 2011

- P L A G E R I S M ♥

   Even if it was intentionally or even unintentionally I still would'nt want anyone copying my hard work. You spend hours and hours or even days on something. Then someone takes it, it's like your getting no credit for your work. The person who is taking your work  doesn't even have the decency to put your name at the bottom of it. Most of the time you people don't put your name at the bottom or top of something when they take it. 
   They wouldn't that done to them. Especially on something you know you worked hard on then someone takes it, it would really make you very very upset. In middle school you would get suspended for a certain number of days. In high school and college you might/will get expelled from the school. It would be extremely hard for you to get into another school.
The owner of the copyright (i.e., in most cases, the true author) could sue the plagiarist in federal court for violation of the copyright. Any work created in the USA after 1st. Mar 1989 is automatically protected by copyright, even if there is no copyright notice attached to the work. 17 USC, Sub-Section 102, 401, and 405.
It is important to note that the addition of original material by the plagiarist in no way excuses the act of plagiarism. The focus is on what the plagiarist did wrong, not what the plagiarist did right. Trivial changes in copied text, in an attempt to avoid copyright infringement, are specifically prohibited by law in the USA.


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