Thursday, November 3, 2011

- Internett & It's Problems

     The internet creates problems such as bullying, fights, petifiles ( older people talking to younger children ). Bullying or cyberbulliyng are the most problems that are created from the internet. Many children and young adults have taken their lives over bullying. Even not on the internet it's a problem that many people face. What is cyberbullying ?cyberbullying "involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others." I think cyberbulying would be the number 1 problem involved or the internet. There is also plagerism, people copy and paste all the time and don't know the consequences they face when they steal another persons work.
    The problem internet solves is if you have a project then you can use the internet to look up information. Or if you want to know something or if your curious about something you can look it up on the internet. You can also look for jobs on the internet if you don't have a job that solves the problem of you not having a job or at least begins to start solving the problems.

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