Friday, October 28, 2011

- U N I F O R M S

    In my opinion I do not like the school dress code I think we should have never had uniforms. People think that just because we wear uniforms it brings better test grades, or better attitudes etc. But by us having uniforms or even not wearing jackets makes things worse and complicated. It just makes kids challenge teachers, administrators, & other people who enforce uniform. I can understand elementary or middle school, but highschool ? We are becoming young men and women and when we graduated out of eighth grade we leave all our childish things behind and including having to wear any uniform whats so ever. We are going forward not backwards. They should trust us enough to allow us to wear casual clothing. The only positive aspect of wearing uniforms is that we don't have to get something out different to wear everyday. Other than that I think its unnecessary to wear uniforms.
   Kids are not reacting well to mandatory uniform, in my school kids are not reacting well to the no jackets
policy. They figure we already have to wear uniforms now we can't wear nothing but grey dull cardigans. Mandatory school uniforms don't benefit us, because it seems like they are treating us like little kids. They have to cut us some slack and know that we are responsible enough to wear casual clothes and jackets. Kids have their own style we all don't want to look the same. Let us express our since of style and fashion.
    A person once said “The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.” To me this quote means that if you can't let go what happened in the past then how can you move on in the future. Forget what this school was or used to be. Focus on us now and let us know that you trust us enough to not have uniforms and know our futures will still be bright.

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