Tuesday, January 24, 2012

' E-Textbooks

    To me the E-Textbook would be great I would definitely trade my textbook book in for and electronic one any day. I LOVE electronics & figuring things out so this would be extremely great for me. I wouldn't have to dread about the fact that I have homework in the dull boring textbooks. For example look at the seniors I KNOW FOR A FACT that their happy with their tablets. They won't have to use their textbooks as much. They can play games listen to music. No I'm not saying they wont get distracted but its a better chance they would want to succeed.

       Like I said in the beginning I would trade my textbooks for an electronic one any day. I also know if you ask someone any random person on the street they would agree with me 1000%. But their are drawbacks such as distraction & maybe health problems. Kids might be distracted with the internet, facebook, the games etc. Which might cause them to loose focus and get off track. I am the type of person to loose focus really quickly. That's why this might be a problem for me because I and many others get side tracked easily.

        In the next 10 years I think 50%-60% of the textbooks will be electronics just for the simple fact that every school might want to try these things out, especially the more " higher class schools " such as private & independent schools. Of course this would want to make people read more. Me, I like to read so if I can just go the E-Textbook and look up a book I would want to read that would be AMAZING to me. I'll love it even more. I think more kids will earn better and study more because they would be so excited to use this. If I experience this it would be a beautiful experience by far.

It has become appallingly obvious that technology has exceeded our humanity.  
~Albert Einstein 




Monday, January 23, 2012

' Thee iBook ❀ ✿ ❁

    No, this doesn't affect the paradigm of education. To me this betters it kids would be more interested in learning, because kids LOVE electronics in this generation. Some people think they learn better with electronics. If you need to look up something its right there you wont have to go everywhere for find a simple answer everything will be there. If there was a survey between electronic or hard cover books I KNOW electronics would win.
   For me I would choose the electronic textbook because YES I like electronics I don't want to be stuck in dull boring hard covered books. I can only speak for myself but that unmotivates me. You have to look through the text book back and fourth that gets boring once in a while especially if your in them everyday.
    No, I did not complete all my projects I am getting ready to finish them as soon as I finish typing this. I have a couple left but I know I'll get them done. Then after I complete the projects I'm going to study for midterms.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Censorship & : ) Thee Web

   No, I do not think the internet  should be censored. To me this is just a way to keep our eyes closed to certain things. " Unaccepatable" is just a cover up for what they don't want us to see. I think that all the other really bad websites should be censored such as stealing websites or websites that allow you to steal things from others etc. A good thing about censorship is that it can be used to help catch criminals or to stop violent acts of crime. Bad things about censorship is that its INAVDING PRIVACY. The people who act upon censorship probably don't take PRIVACY into consideration. If I would was a person who censored things I would atleast take people's live into consideration. How it would take affect on people's lives. Here is a letter on how this person feels about censorship.....



As a society we want our young people to be literate, thoughtful, and caring human beings; but we also attempt to control what they read, think, and care about. We feel the need to "protect" children from dangerous or disturbing ideas and information. Of course, what is dangerous or disturbing to one person or segment of society may be exciting and innovative to others and perhaps just "the truth" to still others. This combination of multiplicity of values and concern for young people keeps censorship alive in school and public libraries.
Current concerns for literacy and critical thinking in education may actually increase incidents of censorship. Literacy assumes the power of texts and encourages exposure to competing ideas and beliefs. Critical thinking implies questioning, the analysis and evaluation of those beliefs to come to a personal judgment that empowers young people to take ownership of ideas and control of their own intellectual and moral lives.
New technologies are also causing an increase in incidents of censorship. The history of communications technologies, from the written word to modern electronic media, has been written with fear as critics contemplate the most dire consequences of each move that takes us farther from the personal one-on-one interaction with another human being in real time and space.
The internet and the world wide web are especially problematic. In the virtual world of these media, there is a potential for a kind of anonymous intimacy that can be very seductive in our often fragmented, disconnected lives. Young people, often very comfortable with and eager to explore these new media at the same time they are coping with the myriad problems of coming-of-age in our society, may be especially susceptible to such seduction. Like most things, this can be either good or bad.
I am encouraged and impressed by students who have exhausted traditional school and library resources who discover new and more current material on the internet and the web. At times they even participate in dialogues that move knowledge to new dimensions. I am even more impressed to see previously unmotivated students, seduced by information and ideas, discovering the power of their own intellects through electronic exchange. For me, the question becomes: Are we willing to give up this potential (if we could) to "protect" young people from "dangerous" encounters?
For the most part, I can make the analogy to other media and decide that, if we are not willing to eliminate books and libraries because they may contain "dangerous" ideas, why would we attempt to keep young people from the internet and the world wide web? Obviously, however, we do attempt to "protect" young people from much that is available in traditional print media, and various types of filtering software are now available to "protect" young people in the electronic world as well.
Ironically, some of the most powerful and positive learning sites (according to my value system, of course) are filtered out using such software. For example, CyberPatrol blocks access to the Ontario Religious Tolerance Site because it includes Wicca among its 62 religious and ethical systems. This site also includes information of abortion, cults, the death penalty, and satanism.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

' Thee Blackout ^______ ^

    To me the blackout was very successful many people I knew that knew about it was against it. I was wondering why google had their name blocked out... but then I read and figured out why. But I think alot of people will not like this law if it is passed. People will continue to find ways to break this law if it is passed. Which would create more problems. To prevent these things I would think that they shouldn't have passed it at all to prevent problems I'm just saying. This article here also expalins the SOPA & PIPA blackout...

Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.

Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.
The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wikipedia !?!?!?!?!?!?

            Yes the world can live without wikipedia. Their are so many other search engions you can use. Eventually if EVERYONE is using wikipedia it might crash and take a while for it to start back up. For example just like when Mr.Viereck told everyone in his class to make a gmail. Gmail thought it was spam and it temporarily stopped working. Why would everyone want to use just wikipedia when there are sooooo many other sources for getiing information. Sometimes the information is not even accurate. Here is 100 accurate search engines with good good information.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

' Stronger Lighter & : ) Thinner

     To me this will make the phone more accessible for breaking. One drop then it could break, the glass should be left alone because then a lot more insurance would have to go on the phones. Unless they make a super case where you can drop it 10,000 times. If the glass is strong & then....I think everyone would have these types of phone. Kids get to them they drop & everything else you can name so if these were created people would be very appreciative of the fact they have a better stronger and sturdy phone. Where they have no doubts or trouble about dropping their phones or giving it to a child. Study's show that almost one million people drop their phones and crack them everyday. That's a lot. Well basically what I'm saying is these glasses will be made for the better.